
Journal papers / book chapters

Resolvent Analysis for Turbulent Flows (Chapter in Data-driven Analysis and Modeling of Turbulent Flows)

AS Sharma, BJ McKeon; Editor: K Duraisamy

ISBN 9780323950435, 9780323950442, Chapter 3

book abstract...
chapter abstract...

A basis for finding exact coherent states

MA Ahmed, AS Sharma

Physical Review E (2020), 101, 012213


Periodic shadowing sensitivity analysis of chaotic systems

D Lasagna, AS Sharma, J Meyers

Journal of Computational Physics (2019), Vol 391, pp. 119-141


Special issue on global flow instability and control (editorial)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (2017), Vol 31, issue 5-6 preprint

AS Sharma, V Theofilis, T Colonius


Scaling and interaction of self-similar modes in models of high-Reynolds number wall turbulence (invited, cover image)

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (2017), Volume 375, issue 2089 preprint

AS Sharma, R Moarref, BJ McKeon


Estimation of unsteady aerodynamic forces using pointwise velocity data (Rapids)

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2016), vol 804, pp. R4 preprint

F Gómez, AS Sharma, HM Blackburn


Correspondence between Koopman mode decomposition, resolvent mode decomposition, and invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations (Rapid Communication)

Physical Review Fluids (2016), 1, 032402(R) preprint

AS Sharma, I Mezić, BJ McKeon


A reduced-order model of three-dimensional unsteady flow in a cavity based on the resolvent operator (Rapids)

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2016), vol 798, pp. R2-1 - R2-14 preprint

F Gómez, HM Blackburn, M Rudman, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


Streamwise-varying steady transpiration control in turbulent pipe flow

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2016), vol. 796, pp. 588-616 preprint

F Gómez, HM Blackburn, M Rudman, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


On the design of optimal compliant walls for turbulence control (invited)

Journal of Turbulence (2016), 10.1080/14685248.2016.1181267 preprint

M Luhar, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


Passivity-based output-feedback control of turbulent channel flow

Automatica (2016), 69 348–355 preprint

PH Heins, AS Sharma, BL Jones


Low-dimensional representations of exact coherent states of the Navier-Stokes equations (Rapid Communication)

Physical Review E (2016), 93, 021102(R) preprint

AS Sharma, R Moarref, BJ McKeon, JS Park, MD Graham, AP Willis


Modelling for robust feedback control of fluid flows

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2015), vol. 769, pp. 687-722 preprint

B Jones, P Heins, E Kerrigan, JF Morrison, AS Sharma


A framework for studying the effect of compliant surfaces on wall turbulence

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2015), vol. 278, pp. 415-441 preprint

M Luhar, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


On the origin of frequency sparsity in direct numerical simulations of turbulent pipe flow

Physics of Fluids (2014), 26, 101703 preprint

F Gómez, HM Blackburn, M Rudman, BJ McKeon, M Luhar, R Moarref and AS Sharma


On the structure and origin of pressure fluctuations in wall turbulence: predictions based on the resolvent analysis

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2014), vol. 751, pp. 38–70 preprint

M Luhar, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


Opposition control within the resolvent analysis framework

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2014), vol. 749, pp. 597–626 preprint

M Luhar, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


A low-order decomposition of turbulent channel flow via resolvent analysis and convex optimization

Physics of Fluids, 26, 051701 (2014) preprint

R Moarref, MR Jovanovic, JA Tropp, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


Compact representation of wall-bounded turbulence using compressive sampling

Physics of Fluids (2014), 26, 015109 preprint

JL Bourguignon, JA Tropp, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


Model-based scaling and prediction of the streamwise energy intensity in high-Reynolds number turbulent channels

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2013), vol. 734, pp. 275-316 preprint

R Moarref, AS Sharma, JA Tropp, BJ McKeon


See also the Focus on Fluids article about this paper

On coherent structure in wall turbulence

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2013), vol. 728, pp. 196-238 preprint

AS Sharma, BJ McKeon


Experimental manipulation of wall turbulence: a systems approach (invited)

Physics of Fluids (2013), 25, 031301 preprint

BJ McKeon, AS Sharma, I Jacobi


Efficient grid-based Bayesian estimation of nonlinear low-dimensional systems with sparse non-Gaussian PDFs

Automatica (2012), 48, 1286-1290 preprint

TR Bewley, AS Sharma


Relaminarisation of \(Re_\tau = 100\) channel flow with globally stabilising linear feedback control

Physics of Fluids (2011), 23, 125105 preprint

AS Sharma, JF Morrison, BJ McKeon, DJN Limebeer, WH Koberg, SJ Sherwin


Transient growth mechanisms of low Reynolds number flow over a low-pressure turbine blade (invited)

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (2011), 25, 1-4, pp19-30

AS Sharma, N Abdessemed, SJ Shewin, V Theofilis


A critical layer framework for turbulent pipe flow

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2010), vol. 658, pp. 336-382 preprint

BJ McKeon, AS Sharma


Transient growth analysis of the flow past a circular cylinder

Physics of Fluids (2009) 21, 044103

N Abdessemed, AS Sharma, SJ Sherwin, V Theofilis


Model Reduction of Turbulent Fluid Flows Using the Supply Rate

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2009), Vol:19, Pages:1267-1278 preprint

AS Sharma


Optimal growth of linear perturbations in low pressure turbine flows

IUTAM Symposium on Flow Control and MEMS, Springer Netherlands (2008)

AS Sharma, N Abdessemed, SJ Sherwin, V Theofilis


Modeling and Control of TCV

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2005), 13, (3), 356-369 preprint

AS Sharma, DJNL Limebeer, IM Jaimoukha, JB Lister


Plasma equilibrium response modelling and validation on JT-60U

Nuclear Fusion (2002), 42 708

JB Lister, AS Sharma, DJN Limebeer, Y Nakamura, JP Wainwright, R Yoshino


Papers under review or on

Resolvent-Based Optimisation for Approximating the Statistics of Chaotic Dynamics

T Burton, S Symon, AS Sharma, D Lasagna


Exact coherent states for grooved Couette flows

S Vadarevu, AS Sharma, B Ganapathisubramani


Compressible Invariant Solutions In Open Cavity Flows

JJ Otero, AS Sharma, RD Sandberg


Surface roughness restricts families of exact coherent structures in wall bounded flows

SB Vadarevu, AS Sharma, B Ganapathisubramani


Adjoint-based optimal flow control for compressible DNS

JJ Otero, AS Sharma, RD Sandberg


Predicting structural and statistical features of wall turbulence, 2010

BJ McKeon, AS Sharma, I Jacobi


Recent seminars and invited talks

University of Leeds, Department of Applied Mathematics, 2019-05-02

Monash University, School of Maths, 2019-03-12

University of Melbourne, Mechanical Engineering, 2019-03-08

University of Sheffield, School of Mathematics and Statistics, 2018-05-16

American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), invited tutorial in mini-symposium on "Modal Analysis Methods for Fluid Flows", 2017-11-20

PDF of slides, programme and details

U. Cambridge, Fluid Mechanics group, Engineering Department, 2017-02-03

Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, UCSB, (II) 2017-01-12

Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, UCSB, (I) 2017-01-05

U. Manchester, Applied Mathematics group, 2016-04-25

U. New Hampshire Boundary Layer Workshop, 2015-11-20

PDF of slides, programme and details

Imperial College, Applied Mathematics Fluid Mechanics seminar, 2015-01-16

Institute of Pure & Applied Mathematics, UCLA, 2014-11-20

Video, PDF of slides, scroll down to Thursday

U. New Hampshire Boundary Layer Workshop, 2013-11-21

PDF of slides, programme and details

Imperial College, Turbulence Seminar, 2013-11-07

PDF of slides


Tokamak modelling and control

Thesis, Imperial College London (University of London) (2002) PDF

AS Sharma


Refereed conference papers

  • J Houtman, S Timme, AS Sharma, Resolvent Analysis of Large Aircraft Wings in Edge-of-the-Envelope Transonic Flow, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA 2022-1329, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, (2022)
  • G Claisse, AS Sharma, Feedback stabilization of a Plane Couette Flow Exact Coherent Structure, 17th European Turbulence Conference, Turin, (2019)
  • J Otero, R Sandberg, AS Sharma, Direct numerical simulations for adjoint-based optimal flow and noise control of a backward-facing step, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, France, (2016)
  • F Gomez, HM Blackburn, M Rudman, A Sharma, BJ McKeon, Manipulating flow structures in turbulent flow, Ninth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9), Melbourne, Australia (2015)
  • M Luhar, A Sharma, BJ McKeon, On the design of optimal compliant walls for turbulence control, Ninth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9), Melbourne, Australia (2015)
  • P Heins, BL Jones and AS Sharma, Passivity-Based Feedback Control of a Channel Flow For Drag Reduction (2014), UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (Control 2014), Loughborough (2014).
    (Prize for Best Application Paper at Control 2014)
  • Luhar, M., Sharma, A. & McKeon, B. J., Resolvent-based predictions for Reynolds number effects and scale-interactions in the pressure field, F-11-572, 17th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics USNCTAM (2014)
  • Moarref, R., Sharma, A., Tropp, J. & McKeon, B. J., On scaling and interaction of the geometrically self-similar modes in turbulent channels, F-11-723, 17th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics USNCTAM (2014)
  • M Luhar, AS Sharma and BJ McKeon, A systems approach to modeling opposition control in turbulent pipe flow (2013), AIAA-2013-2841
  • Luhar M, AS Sharma and BJ McKeon, Wall pressure fluctuations induced by coherent structures in turbulent pipe flow, Eighth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8), Poitiers, France (2013)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Closing the loop: an explicit treatment of the nonlinearity in the resolvent analysis of wall turbulence (2013), AIAA-2013-3118
  • R Moarref, AS Sharma, JA Tropp and BJ McKeon, Prediction of the streamwise turbulent energy spectrum in high Reynolds number channel flows (2013), AIAA-2013-2480
  • R Moarref, BJ McKeon, AS Sharma and JA Tropp, On the Reynolds number scaling of the low-rank approximation to turbulent channel flows, 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome (2012)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, A critical layer framework for turbulent pipe flow, Turbulence Colloquium, Marseille (2011)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Velocity statistics and structure in pipe turbulence derived from a simple critical-layer model, 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), Ottawa (2011)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Very Large Scale Motions in Pipe Turbulence Derived from a Simple Critical-layer Model, 7th International Symposioum on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), Ottawa (2011)
  • McKeon BJ, Sharma AS, Energetic modes in turbulent pipe flow from resolvent analysis, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida (2010)
  • McKeon BJ, Sharma AS, A critical layer model for turbulent pipe flow, 16th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM) 672 (2010)
  • Bewley T, Sharma AS, On the Convergence of Boundary Control Strategies Designed Using ODE Approximations of Diffusive PDE Systems, Keynote, 8th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS), Cancun, Mexico, (2007)
  • Sharma AS, McKeon BJ, Perturbation Energy Production in Pipe Flow over a Range of Reynolds Numbers using Resolvent Analysis, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, (2009)
  • Sharma AS, Limebeer DJN, McKeon BJ, et al, Stabilising Control Laws for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations using Sector Stability Theory, 3rd AIAA Flow Control Conference, AIAA, San Francisco, California, (2005)
  • JB Lister, R Khayrutdinov, DJN Limebeer, V Lukash, Y Nakamura, AS Sharma, JP Wainwright, R Yoshino, Plasma equilibrium response modelling experiments on the JT-60U and TCV tokamaks, 27th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest (2000), ECA Vol. 24B, pp181-184, (2000)
  • Lister,J.B. , Khayrutdinov,R. , Limebeer,D.J.N. , et al, Linear and non-linear plasma equilibrium responses on the jt-60u and TCV Tokamaks, 21st symposium on fusion technology; (SOFT-21), Madrid, North-Holland, (2001), Pages:755-760

Conference abstracts

  • JJ Otero, AS Sharma, R Sandberg, Limitations of Adjoint-Based Optimization for Separated Flows, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston, US (2015)
  • S Vadarevu, AS Sharma, G Ganapathisubramani, Exact laminar solutions for flows in channels with sinusoidal walls, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston, US (2015)
  • F Gomez, HM Blackburn, M Rudman, A Sharma, BJ McKeon, Reconstruction of turbulent pipe flow using resolvent modes: application to low-order models and flow control, 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (2014)
  • M Luhar, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Deconstructing the effectiveness of opposition control in turbulent pipe flow, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, US (2013)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Nonlinearity and the energy cascade in the resolvent analysis of wall turbulence, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, US (2013)
  • R Moarref, AS Sharma, JA Tropp, BJ McKeon, Representation of the velocity spectra and Reynolds Stress co-spectrum in turbulent channel flow using resolvent modes, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, US (2013)
  • P Heins, BJ Jones, AS Sharma, Drag reduction in a turbulent channel flow using a passivity-based approach, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, US (2013)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Structure from the critical layer framework in turbulent flow, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, US (2010)
  • BJ McKeon, AS Sharma, A reinterpretation of the distribution of vortical structure in wall turbulence, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, US (2010)
  • JF Morrison, AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Linear Control of Turbulent Channel Flow and the Role of Pressure, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, US (2009)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, Energetic modes in turbulent pipe flow from resolvent analysis, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, US (2009)
  • T Bewley, AS Sharma, Grid-based Bayesian Estimation Exploiting Sparsity for systems with non-Gaussian uncertainty, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, US (2009)
  • BJ McKeon, AS Sharma, A critical layer analogy for the very large scale motions in wall turbulence, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, US (2009)
  • AS Sharma, SJ Sherwin, N Abdessemed, DJN Limebeer, Global modes of flows in complex geometries, Third Symposium on Global Flow Instability and Control, Crete (2005)
  • AS Sharma, BJ McKeon, JF Morrison, DJN Limebeer, Control of incompressible flows, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Chicago, US (2005)